Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Film making Journey

     You never really know how much movie directors work until you experience making a short film. Given I only had to create 2 minutes and real life directors have to produce way more than that, I take my hat off to the amount of work, time, attention to detail, and dedication it takes to make a film. I learned much more about filming then I ever have from taking a walk in directors shoes. When following my shot list, I found myself creating each shot at many different angles, more than I had originally planned because I wanted to get the most out of each scene, and create a variety of shots that could be compiled together to produce and appealing opening.
     The journey from my initial ideas of a horror/psychological thriller genre to a drama, has given me the opportunity to research all three and figure out which one was the perfect fit for the story I wanted to produce. By filming a drama, it gave me the chance to relate to more people and better touch their lives. By showing the world my story, I believe it can help others going through the loss of a loved one and know they are not alone.

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