Saturday, April 11, 2015

Final Project Film Opening: Forever in our Hearts

Click here to view final film opening.

Logo Design

     In order to make my opening look more authentic and credible I decided to make a film company logo. By using Canva logo design, I found it very easy to make a clean logo that best fit my opening. I chose the name "Up To The Sky Films" to give more meaning to the story as my grandfather used to tell me that he loved me up to the sky. This small detail gave the opening more meaning.

The Film Logo:


     For my music I decided to use a site called Purple Planet which a royalty free music website. Though this website I was able to search through many different genres of instrumental music. This made it easy for my to find one dramatic and one upbeat song. I decided to go with the song "Remembrance" for the sad portion of my opening and the song "Feelin' Good" for the happier portion of my opening.
     Additionally, I recorded my voice for the voiceover portion of the opening. I thought it was essential to include a voiceover because it helped give the audience a better understanding into the thoughts of the character as well as move the plot forward.

Friday, April 3, 2015


     The editing process has made my attention to detail very strong. The time and patience needed are two attributes that will help me make more short films in the future. From using IMovie, I have not only mastered editing, as I have used the software before, but now I am able to use it in ways I never have been able to before. I have been using cropping tools, cutting tools, and audio tools in order to make the message of my film get across to the audience.

  This image above is the software IMovie, that I am using to edit my project's, logo.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Film making Journey

     You never really know how much movie directors work until you experience making a short film. Given I only had to create 2 minutes and real life directors have to produce way more than that, I take my hat off to the amount of work, time, attention to detail, and dedication it takes to make a film. I learned much more about filming then I ever have from taking a walk in directors shoes. When following my shot list, I found myself creating each shot at many different angles, more than I had originally planned because I wanted to get the most out of each scene, and create a variety of shots that could be compiled together to produce and appealing opening.
     The journey from my initial ideas of a horror/psychological thriller genre to a drama, has given me the opportunity to research all three and figure out which one was the perfect fit for the story I wanted to produce. By filming a drama, it gave me the chance to relate to more people and better touch their lives. By showing the world my story, I believe it can help others going through the loss of a loved one and know they are not alone.